Fisheye magazine : l’héritage versatile d'Irving Penn

Article on the website of Fisheye magazine about the heritage of Irving Penn on modern photographers. Written by Lucie Guillet. Featuring artists photographers Maewenn Bourcelot, Maxime Antony, Bastien Woudt, Jacques Sonck and Philip Provily.
Photographies de mode, portraits et natures mortes : l’héritage versatile d'Irving Penn

Exhibition La Lumière parle

Exhibition La Lumière parle from June 25 till July 22, 2024 at emmy, plantes & déco, 42 pl. du Grenier à Sel, Noyers (89), France

Opening hours
Wednesday - Saturday : 10h00-12h30/15h-18h
Sunday : 11h00-12h30/15h00-18h00

Exhibition StonePhotoCollection

Exhibition Women from StonePhotoCollection from Mai 3 till Mai 19 2024 at StonePhoto, Stein, The Netherlands.
Together with artists, Koos Breukel, Anton Corbijn, Donigan Cumming, Laurant La Gamba, Gerald van der Kaap, Annie Leibovitz, Toyin Loye, Philip Provily, Wolfgang Volz and Madame Yevonde.

Opening hours Friday, Saturday and Sunday 13.00 - 18.00

Exposition Le Nu at Clamecy

Group exhibition and contest "Le Nu" at Musée d'Art et d'Histoire Romain Rolland at Clamecy, Burgundy France. Painters, sculptors, photographers, who are living and working in a circle of 100 km from Clamecy do participate. 
From April 3 till December 28, 2024.

Exhibition Art in the family, Amsterdam

Group exhibition "Art in the family" at De Kring, Amsterdam till March 28, 2024 with my cousin Sander Luske, Ceramist and Product designer
Together with Tessa Posthuma de Boer, Jasper Zwartjes, Aat Veldhoen, Theo van Gogh and others...

Portrait Edouard Louis and Raoul de Jong

On the cover of NRC magazine my portrait of French writer Edouard Louis and Dutch writer Raoul de Jong.
Published on July 1, 2023. Art direction Marloes Heineke

Portrait matali crasset

On the cover of NRC magazine and for article written by Arjen Ribbens.
Published on April 1, 2023. Portrait of the french industrial designer matali crasset.
Art direction Marloes Heineke

Fisheye magazine

Les corps décorés de Philip Provily

Article on the website of Fisheye magazine about my Still life series.
written by Lou Tsatsas, web chief director

Exhibition "Ceci n'est pas une assiette"

Marchi 19  - Mai 29  2022

This exhibition presents self-portraits, staged, open to the imagination and question identity with humor and a very personal sense of poetry. Inspired by the great Dutch masters of the golden age, Philip Provily works in daylight. His mastery of subtle and delicate light reinforces the full dimension of humanity in his works.
Galerie Joëlle Kem Lika
44 Grand Rue
89310 Sainte Vertu, Burgundy.
Opening hours Saturday and Sunday 15.00 - 19.00

BBA Gallery Photography prize 2021

  • images/News/bba-gallery.jpg, BBA galery

My series " Still life " is nominated on the longlist  for the BBA Photography prize 2021.
You can find more on their website : BBA Photography Prize 2021